
馬瑜嬪 副教授

國立成功大學建築研究所建築學 博士


TEL 07-5919196
FAX 07-5919386




嚴肅遊戲與建築教育(Serious Game and Architecture Design Education)
建築設計理論與運算(Architecture Design and Computation)
建築資訊模型化技術(BIM, Building Information Modeling)
電腦輔助建築設計與模擬(Computer Aided Architecture Design & Simulation)
視覺化程式互動設計(Visual Programming Interactive Design)
參數設計與數位構築(Parametric Design and Digital Fabrication)
互動建築與智慧城市 (Interactive Architecture & Smart City)


以遊戲化資訊協作媒介擴展建築資訊模型在建築設計上的應用(NSTC 113-2121-M-390-001 -)
導入BIM智慧元件於綠屋頂設計之應用(110-2121-M-390-001 -)


將Cloud Compare密度偵測建模導入Unity遊戲引擎以創造與文化資產互動的新體驗(109-2221-E-035-011-)
虛擬建築產業實驗室:建構循環商業模式(NSTC 113-2221-E-011-067 -)


  1. Ma Y-P. Improved Interaction of BIM Models for Historic Buildings with a Game Engine Platform. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(3):945. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12030945[SCIE]
  2. Ma Y-P. Extending 3D-GIS District Models and BIM-Based Building Models into Computer Gaming Environment for Better Workflow of Cultural Heritage Conservation. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(5):2101. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11052101[SCIE]
  3. Ma, Y. P.; Chang, W. C. A parametric interactive platform with tangible visualization for intuitive cognition and manipulation of urban information. In Smart Science, Design & Technology. CRC Press, 2019; 152-156.
  4. Lin, H. C.; Ma, Y. P.; Jeng, T. S. Interactive Environmental Awareness: from Interactive Devices to Smart Cities. Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 2013; Vol.8 (7), pp. 1017-1023.  [EI]
  5. Ma, Y. P.; Jeng, T. S.; Shen, Y. T.; Chen, P. C. iAWN: An Ambient Affective Medium for Meditative Use and Emotional Awareness in Home. JDCTA: International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications. 2011; Vol. 5, No. 10., pp. 372-380. Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology. ISSN: 1975-9339. [EI]
  6. Jeng, T. S.; Ma, Y. P.; Shen, Y. T. iAWN: Designing Smart Artifacts for Sustainable Awareness. Universal Access in HCI, Part III, HCII 2011, C. Stephanidis(Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 6767. pp. 193-202. Springer-Verlag.  ISBN: 978-3-642-21665-7. [EI]
  7. Chen, J. Y.; Ma, Y. P.; Jeng, T. S.; Chang, C. C. An Assessment of User Needs for Intelligent Living Space. Journal of Intelligent Buildings International. 2010; Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 20-40, 2010. [EI]

環境感知的互動美學設計Aesthetics of Interaction Design for Environmental Awareness

國立成功大學建築研究所博士論文 | 2012

空間性互動介面-實體使用介面於三度空間電腦輔助建築設計上的應用Spatially Aware Interactive Interfaces – Tangible User Interfaces for Three Dimensional Interactive Computer Aided Architectural Design

國立成功大學建築研究所碩士論文 | 2002

Conference Papers
  1. Ma, Y. P.; Lien, H. H. Using Game Technology to Enhance the Interaction and Visualization Ability of 3DGIS Historic Site Modeling. In 2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention (ICKII), Jeju Island, South Korea, 23-27 July 2018; pp. 66-69. [EI] (Best Paper Award)
  2. Ma, Y. P., Hsu, C. C., & Lin, M. C. Combine BIM-based and mobile technologies to design on-site support system for the communication and management of architectural heritage conservation works. In 2017 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI), May 2017; 307-310. [EI] (First Prize Paper Award)
  3. Chang, W.C.; Ma, Y.P.;Lien, H.H. A Digital Interactive Urban Planning Platform-Combine City Information Modeling and AR Technology to Assist Planning, Design and Simulation. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2017, Nagoya, Japan, 17-19 May 2017; pp. 354-357.
  4. Ma, Y. ; Lin, M. C.; Hsu, C. C. Enhance architectural heritage conservation using BIM technology. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia CAADRIA, 2016; pp. 477–486. [EI]
  5. Ma, Y. P.; Hsu, C. C.; Lin, M. C.; Tsai, Z. W.; Chen, J. Y. Parametric Workflow (BIM) for the Repair Construction of Traditional Historic Architecture in Taiwan. 25th International CIPA Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-5/W7, 2015; pp. 315-322.
  6. Ma, Y. P.; Hsu, C. C.; Chen A.; Lin, M. C. I-SEED-ATMO : An Augmented Display Platform For Ambient Environmental Awareness. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Planning and Design (ICPD 2015), National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 25th – 28th May 2015; pp. 287-293.
  7. Hsu, C. C.; Ma, Y. ; Chen, J. Y.; Tsai, Z. W.; Lin, M. C. USING BIM IN TAIWAN HISTORICAL WOODEN BUILDING CONSERVATION, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Planning and Design (ICPD 2015), National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, 25th – 28th May 2015; pp. 242-250
  8. Chen, A.; Hsu, C. C.; Ma, Y. P.; Lin, M. J.; Chiu, F. P.; Sie, Y. Y. An Interactive Platform Displaying Mixed Reality Media. International Conference on Human Computer Interaction 2015, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, 11-12 Feb 2015, 13 (2) Part II. pp. 241-245.
  9. Hsu, C. C.; Chen, A.; Ma, Y. P.; Lin, M. J.; Chiu, F. P; Sie, Y. Y. Systematic Process for Constructing an Augmented Reality Display Platform. International Conference on Human Computer Interaction 2015 Communication, Visual Arts and Design, Istanbul Turkey Mar 23-24, 2015, 13 (3) Part XIV. pp. 1419-1424.
  10. Weng, Y. S.; Chen, J. Y.; Ma, Y. ; Pan, C. A.; Jeng, T. S. Eco-machine: A Green Robotic Ecosystem for Sustainable Environments. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, NUS, Singapore, 15-18 May 2013. pp. 925-934.
  11. Ma, Y. P.; Lee, C. H.; Jeng, T. S. iNavigator: A Spatially-Aware Tangible Interface for Interactive 3D visualization. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA2003), Bangkok, Thailand, 18-20 October, 2003. pp. 963-974.  (Prize for Best Presentation)
  12. Lee, C.H.; Ma, Y. P.; Jeng, T. S. A Spatially Aware Tangible Interface for Computer Aided Design”, Proceedings of ACM Computer Human Interaction. Extended abstracts of the 2003 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2003 (extended abstract), Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, April 5-10, 2003. pp. 960–961.

國立成功大學建築研究所  博士

國立成功大學建築研究所  碩士

私立東海大學建築學系      學士



美國愛荷華州立大學建築系&虛擬實境應用中心 (Architecture Department & Virtual Reality Applications Center, ISU, USA)