
陳啓仁 教授 (校長)

瑞士洛桑聯邦理工EPFL 工學博士


TEL 07-5919394
FAX 07-5919395






Demo Building 木構造實驗屋

  1. Chi-Jen CHEN, “The Influencing Factors of Architectural Composition and Arrangement of Human Settlement in Orchid Island”, Design & Nature and Eco-dynamics, Special issue-D&N 164, 2013.
  2. Chi-Jen CHEN, “The Sustainable Architectural Design of Post-Disaster Reconstruction of the Aboriginal Settlements in Taiwan”, Sustainable City 2013, WIT Press.
  3. 國立高雄大學,(陳啟仁 編輯) 「石板屋的前世與今生:排灣及魯凱石板屋聚落:以七佳社(tjuvecekatan)為例」【臺灣世界遺產潛力點叢書】,文化資產局,2013
  4. 陳啟仁(2013),「當前推動臺灣木構造建築之迷思與法規障礙」,建築師期刊,頁87~91, C.-J, CHEN,
  5. Szu-Tung KUO, Chi-Jen CHEN (2010), ”Transition Factors Analysis of Human Settlement ”, The Sustainable City 2010, WIT Press
  6. 吳文彥,陳啟仁,黃英閔(2010),「古蹟、歷史建築之火災潛藏因子與周邊環境延燒潛藏因子、防災評估研究」,文化資產保存學刊第十一期,57~74頁
  7. S. T. KUO, C.-J, CHEN(2010),”The Sustainable Dwelling Development of Human Settlement on Orchid Island”,Sustainable Development and Planning IV, Vol. 1, pp363~373
  8. C. J. CHEN(2008),「The Study on Improved Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Traditional Chuan-Dou Timber Joints in Taiwan」,文化資產保存學刊第三期,2008.01,pp.5~13
  9. 陳啟仁(2008),「木質材料的使用在現代景觀與建築中之意涵」臺灣景觀專刊 2008, 65~70頁
  10. C. J. CHEN, Chung-Jian Wu(2007),「Improved In-situ Structural Evaluation of Historic Buildings incorporating 3D Laser Scanning Technique」,Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, Advances in Architecture, WIT Press, pp. 200~205
  11. 陳啟仁(2007),「現代木構造國內外發展近況」,台灣建築報導2007,頁83~87
  12. 陳啟仁(2006),「高科技的現代木構造」,建築師雜誌,2006/06, 頁90~93
  13. C. J. CHEN(2006),「The study of restoring an eco-habitat of the traditional Paiwan tribe in Taiwan」,Eco-Architecture: Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature, pp.73~82
  14. 張紋韶,陳啟仁,徐明福 (2004.12),「運用應力波非破壞檢測方法研判台灣傳統穿斗式木接點形式之研究」,中華民國建築學報,第50期1~13頁
  15. H.M.Lin, T.L. Lee, D.H. Lee and C. J. CHEN, (2004.08) 「A failure Criterion for Mu-San Sandstone Based on Hollow Cylinder Tests」, Journal of Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society, pp. 55~60
  16. C. J. CHEN T .L. Lee, D. S. Jeng (2003.07)「Finite element modeling for the mechanical behavior of dowel-type timber joints」, Computers and Structures, 81, pp.2731-2738
  17. Chi-Jen CHEN, Pin-Hui TSAI, Min-Fu HSU, Wen-Shao CHANG, (2003.05)「In-situ evaluation of timber roof structures of historic buildings」, Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, Advances in Architecture, WIT Press, pp.815~824
  18. Wen-Shao CHANG, Min-Fu HSU, Chi-Jen CHEN, (2003.05),「Modified estimation method of fundamental periods of historic buildings with masonry shear walls in Taiwan」, Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, Advances in Architecture, WIT Press, pp. 565~574
  19. Chi-Jen Chen, Julius Natterer, (2001.12)「Study and Concept of Fiberglass Reinforced Timber Structural Joints」, The International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Honk Kong, China, pp. 1387-1394.
  20. Peer HALLER, Chi-Jen CHEN,(1999)「Textile Reinforced Joints in Timber Construction」, Journal Structural Engineering International, volume 9, number 4, pp.259~261
  21. Chi-Jen CHEN, P. RASTOGI, (1998.08)「 Measurement of stress distribution in fiber glass reinforced joint」,International Conference on Applied Optical Metrology, Balatonfüred, Hungary.
  22. Chi-Jen CHEN,Pramod RASTOGI, (1996.06)「Mechanical Behavior of Bolted Wood Joint using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry」, International Conference on Experimental Mechanics: Advances and Applications, Singapore, pp. 404~407
  23. Chi-Jen CHEN, (1995.09)「Nouveau concept d’assemblage bois renforcé par fibre de verre」 , Journal de la construction suisse romand, N°9-15, Switzerland
  1. C. J. CHEN, Chung-Jian Wu(2007),「Improved In-situ Structural Evaluation of Historic Buildings incorporating 3D Laser Scanning Technique」,Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, Advances in Architecture, WIT Press, pp. 200~205(EI)
  2. C. J. CHEN(2006),「The study of restoring an eco-habitat of the traditional Paiwan tribe in Taiwan」,Eco-Architecture: Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature, pp.73~82(EI)
  3. 陳啟仁,張紋韶(2003.11),「認識木建築」,木馬出版社,ISBN 986-7897-87-0
  4. Chi-Jen CHEN, Pin-Hui TSAI, Min-Fu HSU, Wen-Shao CHANG, (2003.05)「In-situ evaluation of timber roof structures of historic buildings」, Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, Advances in Architecture, WIT Press, pp.815~824(EI)
  5. Wen-Shao CHANG, Min-Fu HSU, Chi-Jen CHEN, (2003.05),「Modified estimation method of fundamental periods of historic buildings with masonry shear walls in Taiwan」, Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, Advances in Architecture, WIT Press, pp. 565~574(EI)
Conference Papers
1.            洪偵玲、陳啟仁,「魯凱族好茶部落災後住居空間使用模式研究」, 第十七屆國土規劃論壇研討會,2013,台南成功大學。
2.            黃于津、陳啟仁,「台灣災後安置建築之問題改善方案研究」, 第十七屆國土規劃論壇研討會,2013,台南成功大學。
3.            許光盛、陳啟仁,(poster)「台灣災後安置建築之最適化類型分析」, 第十七屆國土規劃論壇研討會,2013,台南成功大學
4.            林孟蓀、陳啟仁,(poster)「「台灣煉瓦會社打狗工場」古蹟活化之可行性研究」, 第十七屆國土規劃論壇研討會,2013,台南成功大學。
5.           Chi-Jen CHEN , “Les héritages dans la ville ~ le fardeau ou l’opportunité”,東北亞法國文化國際研討會l’Université d’Automne des pays d’Asie (UNIFA 2012) sur le thème ” ville-réelle / ville rêvée”,2012.8.20~24, 杭州師範大學。
6.           C.-J. CHEN; S.-T. Kuo (2010),”The influencing factors of architectural composition and the arrangement of human settlement in Orchid Island”,Design and Nature V, Comparing Design in Nature with Science and Engineering, Conference proceedings , Edited By C.A. BREBBIA, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and A. CARPI, University of Pisa, Italy, 2010
7.           陳啟仁,陳冠宇,陳亭婷(2010),「台灣傳統建築銅板瓦作構法之研究」,臺灣藝術大學新遊牧時代文化資產經典論壇,2010.
8.           曾查理,陳啟仁(2010),台灣日治時期主要鐵道車站閒置空間活化形式之探討-以台南車站為例,2010環境永續發展國際論壇
9.           李元耀,陳啟仁,「木結構應用於大跨距建築空間之研究」,2010中華民國設計學會第15屆設計學術研究成果研討會
10.        Szu-Tung KUO, Chi-Jen CHEN , (2010), ”The Study on Analytic Model for Transition Factors of Human Settlement ”, International Conference of The Sustainable City 2010, WIT Press, Spain
11.        陳啟仁,曾思宸(2009),「以整體城市發展角度看待眷村文化保存:高雄市左營眷村經驗」,『走過竹籬笆:2009 桃園眷村文化保存回顧與展望研討會』
12.        陳啟仁,葉佩芬,羅友翔(2009),「台灣眷村活保存與再利用之研究以東港共和新村為例」,第十三屆國土規劃論壇,台南成功大學。
13.        陳啟仁,李玉生(2009),「光學量測技術與光電元件應用於古蹟建築損傷即時監測系統建置-以霧峰林家為例」,古蹟暨歷史建築保存科技研討會,中國科技大學,台北,頁95~111。
14.        陳啟仁(2009.02),「日治時期車站建築木質構造之系統組成與保存問題初探」,文化資產及古蹟保存修復活化再利用教育訓練研討會,文建會,台北。
15.        葉佩芬、羅友翔、陳啟仁(2009)「台灣眷村活保存與再利用之研究─東港共和新村為例」,國土論壇規劃,國立成功大學,台南
16.       陳啟仁,劉莉錡,葉瓊菁,林冠汶(2008.10),「眷村聚落歷史演繹及文資保存過程紀實探討以高雄縣岡山鎮醒村為中華民國建築學會第二十屆第二次建築研究成果發表會,樹德科技大學
17.        Szu-Tung KUO, Chi-Jen CHEN (2008) 「The Sustainable Dwelling Development of Human Settlement on Orchid Island」,Sustainable Development 2009, Cyprus.
18.        Chi-Jen CHEN(2008), 「A Pilot Architecture Project for Sustainable Development in Taiwan-An Engineered Wood Building for The BEST Center」,10th World Conference of Timber Engineering, Miyazaki, JAPAN, June, 2008
19.        陳啟仁,(2008.11),「大木作破壞模式與保存措施初探」,傳統廟宇建築緊急保存國際研討會暨工作坊論文集,屏東科技大學老建築典藏中心,屏東。
20.        陳啟仁,(2007.10),The Change of Wood Construction Methods of School Architecture During Japanese Occupation Period(日治時期學校日本建築構法變遷研究),從老建築保存再生-談台灣農村永續發展國際研討會暨農村特有技術培訓,國立屏東科技大學,屏東。
21.        陳啟仁,吳惠萍,許經緯,韓佳郎,(2007.06)「日治時期台灣學校建築木構造屋架演變之影響因子初探」,中華民國建築學會第十九屆第一次建築研究成果發表會,淡江大學,台北
22.        陳啟仁,侯凱文,陳敬文,(2007.06)「應用ANSYS模擬穿鬬式木構造接點之力學行為」,中華民國建築學會第十九屆第一次建築研究成果發表會,淡江大學,台北
23.        王士彥,陳啟仁,(2007.06)「影響高雄市廟宇彩繪發展因子之研究」,中華民國建築學會第十九屆第一次建築研究成果發表會,淡江大學,台北
24.        陳啟仁,蘇鋒毅,(2006.05)「排灣族生態住居環境重建之研究-以老七佳部落為例」,中華民國建築學會第十八屆第一次建築研究成果發表會,文化大學,台北
25.        張淑芳,陳啟仁,(2006.05)「生態環境山屋之設計研究以玉山國家公園托馬斯山屋為例」,中華民國建築學會第十八屆第一次建築研究成果發表會,文化大學,台北
26.        陳啟仁,蔡侑樺,張紋韶,徐明福,(2004.11)「台灣傳統木骨編泥牆力學行為之初步研究」,第七屆古蹟、歷史建築保存、再利用暨古蹟保存科學國際研討會,中國技術學院,台北
27.        陳啟仁,(2004.06) 「非破壞檢監測技術在古蹟保存之運用現況」,2004海峽兩岸古蹟保護學術研討會,樹德科技大學,高雄
28.        C.J. Chen, P.H. Tsai and M.F. Hsu, (2004.06) ,「Estimation of modulus of elasticity of wooden components by using non-destructive testing strategy」, Proceedings of 8th WCTE Conference, Lahti, Finland
29.        W.S. Chang, M.F. Hsu, and C. J. Chen(2004),「Estimating rotational stiffness of timber joints by using fractional factorial experiments combined with computer simulation」, Proceedings of 8th WCTE Conference, Lahti, Finland
30.        陳啟仁,張紋韶,徐明福(2003),「磚木混造建築結構分析模式之建立」期中報告,台灣傳統古蹟及歷史建築耐震能力之基礎研究,內政部建築研究所
31.        陳啟仁,徐明福,張紋韶,葉玉祥(2003),「日式梁柱接點之力學性能研究」,台灣古蹟及歷史建築物防震技術之研究(三)-期中研究成果研討會論文pp.101~122,成功大學,台南市
32.        曾伯霜,陳啟仁(2003),「工業區處理水再利用效益評估」,第一屆資源與環境管理研討會,pp. B-4-1 ,立德管理學院,台南市
33.        楊宗儒,張聖毅,李宗霖,陳啟仁,賴啟銘(2003),「再生能源應用於E化校園之探討」,第一屆資源與環境管理研討會,pp. D-8-1,立德管理學院,台南
34.        陳啟仁,李宗霖,卜遠程,楊宗儒,(2003.10)「光纖感測器在大地工程上之應用」,The 10th Conference on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan, Oct. 2~4, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan.
35.        Chi-Jen Chen, Wen-Chao Chang, Min-Fu Hsu, (2002.08) 「The Non-Destructive Investigation on Structural Assessment of Historic Building In Taiwan」, 7th World Conference of Timber Engineering, Shah Alam, Malaysia
36.        陳啟仁,(2002.11) ,「台南古蹟保存與經濟開發」,環境議題與環境教育研討會,Tainan
37.        陳啟仁,張紋韶,徐明福,(2002.11),「非破壞檢測技術應用於古蹟及歷史建築物木質構材評估之適用性」,中華民國音響學會九十一年全員大會暨第十五屆學術研討會,Tainan, Taiwan.
38.        李宗霖,陳啟仁,南國琴,吳長有(2002) ,「光纖感測技術在基樁監測之應用」,第二十六屆中華民國力學會議論文集,pp.T005
39.        Chen C. J. and Lee, T. L. (2002) 「Mechanical Behavior of Timber Joints Using the Finite Element Modeling」Proceedings 26th Conference on Applied and Theoretical Menchanics in R.O.C., pp.D035
40.        李宗霖,陳啟仁,林宏明,吳長有,(2002)「光纖感測技術在基樁監測之研究」,第十五屆中華民國音響學術研討會論文集,pp. 227~232.
41.        陳啟仁,林淑真,廖盛銘,唐登友(2002.12)「集居環境之綠色公共工程建設」論文摘要,永續發展科技與政策研討會,pp. 244, Taipei, Taiwan
42.        陳啟仁,(2002.12)「光纖感測技術在橋樑監測之應用」,橋樑工程技術暨安全監測研習會,D1~D17, Tainan, Taiwan
43.        Yi-Jen Tseng, Min-Fu Hsu, Ming-Jer Tsai, Chi-Jen Chen, (2001)「The Comparason on Conventional and Modern Diagnostic Methods of Wooden Structural Components of Listed Historic Buildings in Taiwan」, Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Inspection Appraisal Repairs & Maintenance of Building & Structures, Nottingham, UK.
44.        陳啟仁,(2001.11)「木質房屋結構之抗震性概述」,木質構造建築之耐震性、安全性、居住性-綠建築系列研討會,嘉義大學
45.        Chi-Jen CHEN, P. Rastogi, (2000) 「Study of Fiberglass Reinforced Timber Structures and Joints」, International Conference of Optical Metrology and Non-Destructive Methods, Lugano, Switzerland
46.        Juilus Natterer, Chi-Jen Chen(2000)「Lightweight Structures In Timber」, International Symposium: Bridging Large Spans(BLS), May 28~Jun. 2, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey
47.        Julius Natterer, Chi-Jen CHEN (1999) 「Concept and Applications of Mixed Timber – Concrete Structures in Multi-Story Building 」, International Conference on Effective Utilization of Plantation Timber, Chi-Tou, Taiwan, pp.436-442
48.        Chi-Jen CHEN, (1998.08) 「 Mechanical Performance of Fiberglass Reinforced Timber Joints」, World Conference of Timber Engineering, Montreaux, Switzerland
49.        Peer HALLER, J. WEHSENER, Chi-Jen CHEN, (1998.09) 「Development of Joints by Compressed Wood and Glassfibre Reinforcement」, International conference on Control of the semi-rigid behaviour of civil engineering structural connections COST C1, Liège Belgium, pp. 305-313
50.        Chi-Jen CHEN, (1996) 「An Optimization of Timber by Fiberglass Reinforcements」, Advanced Composite Materials in Bridge and Structures 2nd International Conference, Montréal, Québec, Canada, pp. 811-818
51.        Peer HALLER, Chi-Jen CHEN, Julius NATTERER, (1996) 「Experimental Study on Glass-fibre Reinforced and Densified Timber Joints」, Proc. of International Wood Engineering Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

52.   Chi-Jen CHEN, Peer HALLER, (1994)「Experimental Study on Fiberglass Reinforced Timber Joint」 , Pacific Timber Engineering Conference Gold Coast Australia

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